Learning resources

Here's a list of the resources that are currently available to help you learn more about Frontity. They can be found in the Learn Frontity page too.


There are three parts to the Frontity documentation.

tutorial.frontity.org is the introductory step-by-step tutorial which you've just completed. Yay! 🙌

docs.frontity.org is the generic documentation and where you should go if you want to deepen your conceptual understanding of how Frontity works and how a Frontity project should be implemented. As well as theoretical information, such as Frontity Architecture and Core Concepts, you can find many practical guides here.

api.frontity.org is the API reference. Once you've got the basics and the core concepts of working with Frontity nailed this is where you'll find detailed technical descriptions for the CLI and plugins available in Frontity. This is also the place where you should go if you want to learn more about the different Frontity packages, including themes.


On this GitHub repository there's a number of example projects each of which is intended to demonstrate how to achieve a particular task using Frontity. Some of the most popular projects are:


If videos are more your thing, there are a few playlists on Frontity's Youtube channel which will help you to jump in and get coding with Frontity, including:

  • Frontity Talks: a series of videos where the Frontity DevRel team explain a variety of different topics related to the framework.

  • Demos: a series of demos to help you understand how to use specific features in your project.

Blog posts

Other development posts, as well as case studies and general news, can be found in the Frontity blog. Here's some that you might find interesting:


Do you need some inspiration for your project? The Frontity community is always building amazing websites. You can discover some of them in the Showcase page.

Last updated